It all started with the snow

In the crisp October air of 2017, as the leaves changed colors and the chill of winter loomed on the horizon, we found ourselves once again faced with the daunting task of preparing our furry companions for the cold months ahead. Living in Canada, where winter can be harsh and unforgiving, we knew that our dogs would need proper protection from the snow and ice that would soon blanket the ground.

As we gathered our dog boots and jackets, we couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Despite our best efforts, it always seemed like we were missing something, like there was always room for improvement in our winter gear. The frustration of spending money on expensive dog boots only to have them lost or damaged weighed heavily on our minds.

It was during one of these moments of contemplation that a lightbulb went off in our heads. What if we could create our own paw protection cream? A solution to the cracked and sore paws that plagued our dogs every winter. With determination and a desire to provide the best care for our four-legged friends, we set out to develop our first product - a homemade paw protection that would keep our dogs' paws healthy and happy throughout the winter months. And just like that, a new chapter in our journey as pet owners began and our Paw Balm came into existence.


Mastering the Slip Leash: A Guide to Proper Use